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Saturn & Mercury & Venus in Retrograde OH MY!!!

Mercury. Venus and Saturn are all retrograding & to put it simply Retrogrades cause us to feel the reverse of that typical energy but in a way that incites change. . . Why am I with this person? Why do I behave this way with money? Why do I communicate like this? Why are my closets filled with stuff I don't need? Why am I not the authority of my own life? Or, why am I the ruthless dictator of my own life? . . I saw this pic and was inspired because for me this is how it feels right now. Like I have EVERYTHING right in the palm of my hand but it's a bit jumbled up and out of sorts. . . I'm loving this energy though the transformation has been a bit painful. I'll take it. I didn't come here to die saying "at least I was always comfortable". ❤️ . .

(BTW, can I get glasses fitted for my 3rd eye? And, a set of sunglasses too? Sorry, my future's pretty bright y'all! 🔮👓👁🕶🔮)


Also, during this time be even more CAREFUL about who you share your energy with! It matters now more than ever. This is a time for potentially deep transformative results. And, transformation goes both ways right? Time to ask "what am I becoming?" & "Are these the people who can best help me become the best version of my higher self?"

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