It's not too late to transform your life before 2024 ends!
We have some important planetary aspects in December 2024 that are just begging us to transform in ways that leave us standing strong in our personal power!
Dec 5 Mercury retrograde cazimi (reworking unfinished business)
Dec 6 Mars retrograde in Leo (how can you slow down in order to bring your ego into balance)
Dec 7 Venus enters Aquarius (can bring about the desire for new and unusual ways of relating to others)
Dec 15 Full moon in Gemini hours before Mercury goes direct (There's a song by The Who that goes "I can see for miles and miles and miles"--look for ULTIMATE clarity regarding anything that's been hazy or confusing since the last
full moon on Nov 15th)
Dec 21 Sun enters Capricorn/winter solstice (how can you solidify the foundation of your life?)
Dec 30 New Moon in Capricorn (Capricorn is earth & New Moons are for planting seeds, what do you need in order to enrich the soil from which your soul grows?)
The astrology of 2025 has many of the outer planets switching signs which is going to be huge for fate, karma & preparation for the 'New Earth'. Are you ready??!?
If you just answered "no" lol, PLEASE see me for a New Year's reading!
My rates are going up January 1st. I'll also be discontinuing my 30 minute "talk" reading. I will still be offering my 30 minute pre-recorded video readings though so don't panic.
Please consider purchasing gift certificates (they make great gifts!) and/or packages in order to lock in my current rates. Gift certificates and packages are good for one year.
***If you purchase a 30 minute gift certificate before January 1, I WILL allow you to use those gift certificates to book 30 minute talk readings, just email me and let me know that's what you would like to do!
If you have any questions contact me by clicking here: Contact Me
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